Mark IV Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration Joins the Brewer Heating & Cooling Family

What Is Included in a Furnace Replacement in Beech Grove, IN?

When it’s time to replace your furnace, you want to know what the process entails and how it benefits your home. For Beech Grove, IN, homeowners, knowing what to expect from the furnace replacement process can save you time, money, and stress while ensuring your home stays comfortable during Indiana’s chilly winters. At Brewer Heating […]

What Is Considered an HVAC Emergency in Beech Grove, IN?

When the temperatures in Beech Grove, IN, plummet during winter, your home’s heating system has to work reliably to keep you safe and comfortable. But what happens when your furnace or heat pump stops working unexpectedly? Is it a minor inconvenience or a full-blown emergency? Knowing what qualifies as a heating emergency can help you […]

How Do I Keep My House Warm With a Broken Furnace?

On a cold winter’s night, the last thing you want is a broken furnace. For homeowners in Greenwood, Indiana, winter temperatures can dip below freezing—a warm and cozy home is a must, not just for comfort, but for safety.  What do you do when your heating system gives up on you? Don’t panic—there are ways […]

Heating Tips for Your Southport Home

Winter in Southport, Indiana, can be harsh, with temperatures dropping to levels that are downright uncomfortable (and unsafe) without proper heating. As the snow falls and the winds whip through Marion County, keep your family warm and your energy bills manageable with these smart heating tips for Southport homeowners. 1. Schedule a Seasonal Furnace Tune […]

At What Temperature Should You Switch to Emergency Heat in Beech Grove, IN?

When winter temperatures drop in Beech Grove, IN, it’s natural to want your home to stay warm and comfortable. Heat pumps are a popular heating option for many homes in Marion County, thanks to their energy efficiency, functionality as a central air conditioner and heater, and ability to handle most winter conditions. However, when the […]

13 Heating Tips for Franklin Township Residents

Franklin Township, with its mix of close-knit neighborhoods and open spaces, experiences its fair share of chilly Indianapolis winters. For homeowners in this vibrant area of Marion County, keeping warm while managing energy costs is an important goal we all share. Brewer Heating & Cooling is here to help with practical heating tips for our Franklin […]

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